Mid-Term Review Report for the SEAQE 2 project - South Sudan

About the publication

Published:November 2022
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Number of pages:39
Serial number:05/2022

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The SEAQE 2 project is focused on supporting girls and boys to access, engage and learn in inclusive primary and Alternative Learning Programs (ALPs) in the Eastern Equatoria Region of South Sudan. SEAQE 2 is strongly focused on development education pathways for marginalised and conflicted
affected children, including OOSC, girls and children with disabilities. In this phase of the program, emphasis was given to improving wellbeing, economic opportunities, the capacity of civil society and the government. The result being that SEAQE 2 would contribute to strengthening equitable access,
participation and learning outcomes within learning environments and strengthen the education system.