Aid transparency
Norway will increase our aid transparency by reporting on the IATI standard.
Norway is already reporting its aid flows to the OECD/DAC. In 2015, we started reporting on the IATI standard and by that fulfil our commitments on transparency.
- IATI organisation file – December 2024
- IATI activity report – December 2024
- See also: This was our implementation schedule (exel) for data reporting on the common standard.
Norwegian aid statistics
In addition to this we publish all our aid disbursements at Norwegian aid statistics.
Norwegian Aid Statistics gives you easy access to all official statistics for Norwegian development assistance from 1960 until today. You can select your own content and scope of the report, by combining country, sector and partner, and get the figures as maps, graphs and tables. You can also download detailed project information in csv format
In 2013 The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched a web site with monthly updates of disbursements on aid projects. This data are in line with the data reported on the IATI standard.
Why aid Transparency?
At the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in 2011 all donors of aid committed to:
“Implement a common, open standard for electronic publication of timely, comprehensive and forward looking information on resources provided through development cooperation”.
To operationalize «the common, open standard» all aid donors agreed in June 2012 that this standard is a combination of the OECD/DAC reporting standard and the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard.
This implies that donors will report their aid contributions to two sources: