End Review of The Norway-India Partnership Initiative (NIPI), Phase III

About the publication

Published:January 2024
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Number of pages:0
Serial number:1/2024

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

This report presents the findings of the end review of Phase III of the Norway-India Partnership Initiative (NIPI). NIPI has been implemented in India since 2006, with the aim of supporting improved maternal, neonatal and child health, promoting innovation and documenting best practices by providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) and the National Health Mission (NHM). NIPI III is supporting the MoHFW at central level and the NHM in five Indian States/Union Territories (UTs), and it does so through a national team and five state-level teams. Its objectives are to: 1. To scale up the learning and best practices in India: Strategic, technical assistance to the intensified districts for scaling up if already demonstrated best practices; 2. Innovation Hub: Establish an innovation hub that will identify and test promising health system innovations in the fields of maternal and new-bornd and child health (MNCH); and 3.Global dissemination of NIPI Document best practices in maternal, new-born and child health carried out under the National Health Mission and NIPI, to be shared for global dissemination and learning.

The review took place between August and November 2023. It was commissioned by Norad, and its purpose was to: 1) Assess the Relevance, Effectiveness and Efficiency of NIPI III in relation to the agreed Phase III objectives; 2) Review the success factors of the NIPI model of implementation at the state level, and the perception of the program as a technical support partner at both central and state level, and 3) Assess the level of sustainability created thus far within the context of among others the cooperation with MoHFW the and in the supported states. The review is equally tasked with examining four cross-cutting issues, and namely anti-corruption, environment and climate change, gender equality and human rights. Data collection included document review, interactions with key stakeholders, and a field mission to India, and data was analysed using a mixed methods approach.