Working Paper: Real-Time Evaluation

About the publication

Published:December 2020
Type:Evalueringsstudier, Evalueringer
Number of pages:15

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

This working paper on real-time evaluation (RTE) is made by the organisation BetterEvaluation in cooperation with the Evaluation Department in Norad.

The purpose has been to clarify the concept, when it is appropriate to use RTE and what is needed to make it work well. The working paper builds on experiences with the Evaluation Departments’ own work with the real-time evaluation of the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative conducted in the period 2011-2017 and real-time evaluations in the Danish aid programmes from 2014-2019.

The working paper is part of a series from BetterEvaluation on how monitoring and evaluation can support good adaptive management of programmes. See all working papers at