NORHED-project in Uganda, South Sudan and Zambia

More knowledge and an interdisciplinary approach to reduce infectious diseases originated from animals.

Project title: Capacity Building in Zoonotic diseases Management using integrated approach to Ecosystems health (CAPAZOMANINTECO) at the human-livestock–wildlife interface in Eastern and Southern Africa.


At present socio-economic-cultural and ecological environments are facing challenges of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.

More than 60% of emerging infectious diseases in humans originated from animals. A majority of these emerging diseases (75.3%) come from wild animals.

The importance of zoonotic diseases in humans and animals in sub-Saharan Africa at the human- environment- livestock- wildlife interface has recently received increased attention. The high burden of zoonotic diseases continues to undermine the efforts and investments made for social and economic development.

Universities for development

One of the major limitations for improving health and ensuring economic empowerment and sustainability in low income countries is the heavy disease burden. Indeed poor health due to infectious diseases, especially zoonotic diseases greatly constraints the economic transformation of developing countries.

The aim of the One Health approach in neglected zoonosis and food safety, is to provide Veterinary and Medical professionals and graduates in other related disciplines, such as life Sciences, Social science, Gender studies and Ecosystem health, with the knowledge and skills to work in a One Health framework that recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary working and the interrelatedness of human, animal and environmental health.

Key goals and achievements

Overall goal

Improve the health and wellbeing of people in participating countries by strengthening education and research in zoonotic and food-borne diseases within a One Health perspective using a gender sensitive approach.

The objectives of the project are:

  1. Develop training capacities sensitive to gender, in Zoonoses, food systems and food safety issues within Universities and public health sectors in Uganda, Zambia and South Sudan
  2. Develop research capacities sensitive to gender in Zoonoses, food systems and food safety issues within Universities and public health sectors in Uganda, Zambia and South Sudan


Published 24.06.2013
Last updated 08.09.2015

Total budget

2013-2018: 17.3 million NOK

Contact persons for the project

Dr. Clovice Kankya, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerer University, Uganda

Professor Eystein Skjerve, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology, NMBU, Norway,
