Biografi for årets innledere

Hvem er årets deltakere på Noradkonferansen 2021? Lær mer om hver enkelt.

På Norad-konferansen 2021 spør vi: Går vi mot en fremtid med mer samarbeid eller mer alenegang? Hva skal til for å nå bærekraftsmålene innen 2030, og er vi egentlig på rett vei? Blir det tidenes tiår med felles løsninger på globale utfordringer, eller blir det stadig steilere fronter og mer nasjonalisme? Med et stjernelag av norske og internasjonale eksperter vil vi belyse disse spørsmålene og rette et spesielt fokus på helse, klima og økonomi.

Innledere og paneldeltakere står oppført alfabetisk.

Trykk på plusstegnet for å lese mer om hver enkelt.

Biografier i alfabetisk rekkefølge

Amanda Glassman

Amanda Glassman is executive vice president and senior fellow at the Center for Global Development and also serves as chief executive officer of CGD Europe. Her research focuses on priority-setting, resource allocation and value for money in global health and aid, as well as data for development. Prior to her current position, she served as director for global health policy at the Center from 2010 to 2016, and has more than 25 years of experience working on health and social protection policy and programs in Latin America and elsewhere in the developing world.

Twitter: @glassmanamanda fra @CGDev

Noradkonferansen 2021: Glassman er moderator i panelene i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Antoinette Monsio Sayeh

Antoinette Monsio Sayeh is Deputy Managing Director, IMF.

Antoinette Monsio Sayeh has been a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Center for Global Development (CGD) since November 2016 and was Co-Chair for the recently concluded 19th Replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA19), the World Bank’s Fund for the poorest. She previously oversaw and significantly enhanced the International Monetary Fund’s engagement with its sub-Saharan African members as Director of the African Department between July 2008 and August 2016.

As Minister of Finance in post-conflict Liberia (January 2006 through June 2008), she led the country through the clearance of its long-standing multilateral debt arrears, the HIPC Decision Point, the Paris Club, and its first Poverty Reduction Strategy, significantly strengthening its public finances and championing public financial management reform. Before joining President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Cabinet, Ms. Sayeh worked for the World Bank for 17 years, including as Country Director for Benin, Niger, and Togo; Senior Country Economist for Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as an Advisor in the Bank’s Operations Policy Vice Presidency and as Assistant to its principal Managing Director. Before joining the Bank, Ms. Sayeh worked in economic advisory positions in Liberia’s Ministries of Finance and Planning.

Twitter: Representer @IMFNews

Noradkonferansen 2021: Sayeh holder innlegg under åpningssesjonen tirsdag 26. januar.

Bård Vegar Solhjell 

Bård Vegar Solhjell er direktør i Norad – Direktoratet for utviklingssamarbeid. Solhjell tiltrådte stillingen i januar 2020. Han kom fra jobben som generalsekretær i WWF Norge -Verdens naturfond.

Bård Vegar Solhjell har bred ledererfaring. Fra 2001 til 2017 hadde han flere viktige posisjoner i SV, Sosialistisk Venstreparti. I perioden 2007 til 2015 var han nestleder i partiet. Solhjell var stortingsrepresentant fra 2013 til 2017, men før det var han statsråd for klima (2012-2013) og utdanning (2007-2009).

Solhjell er utdannet statsviter fra Universitetet i Oslo og Universitetet i Bergen med sosiologi, sammenlignende politikk og idéhistorie.

Twitter: @bardvegar fra @noradno

Noradkonferansen 2021: Solhjell åpner konferanen tirdag 26. og onsdag 27. januar. 

Carmen M. Reinhart

Carmen M. Reinhart is Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank Group. Assuming this role on June 15, 2020, Reinhart provides thought leadership for the institution at an unprecedented time of crisis. She also manages the Bank’s Development Economics Department. She is on public service leave from Harvard Kennedy School, where she is the Minos A. Zombanakis Professor of the International Financial System. Previously, she was Senior Policy Advisor and Deputy Director at the International Monetary Fund and held positions as Chief Economist and Vice President at the investment bank Bear Stearns.  She also serves in the Advisory Panels of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the International Monetary Fund. Reinhart has been listed among Bloomberg Markets Most Influential 50 in Finance, Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers, and Thompson Reuters' The World's Most Influential Scientific Minds. In 2018 she was awarded the King Juan Carlos Prize in Economics and NABE’s Adam Smith Award, among others. She holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Twitter: @carmenmreinhart representerer @WorldBank

Noradkonferansen 2021: Reinhart deltar i sesjonen om økonomi - vekst og arbeidsplasser innen planetens tålegrense onsdag 27. januar.

Dag-Inge Ulstein

Utviklingsministeren har ansvaret for det utviklingspolitiske arbeidet i alle regioner utenfor OSSE-området, Midtøsten, Nord-Afrika og Afghanistan. I tillegg har han ansvaret for utviklingssamarbeidet med FN-systemet, Verdensbanken, de regionale utviklingsbankene og øvrige globale fond og programmer. Han har videre ansvaret for Norad, Norsk senter for utvekslingssamarbeid (Norec) og Norfund.

Twitter: @dagiulstein fra @Utenriksdept (Norwegian) & @NorwayMFA (English)

Noradkonferansen 2021: Ulstein deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Dag O. Hessen

Dag O. Hessen er professor i biologi og leder av Centre for Biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene (CBA) ved UiO. Hessen leder UNESCOs internasjonale ekspertgruppe “Universities and the 2030 agenda”. Hessen forsker på evolusjonære og økologiske problemstillinger, og har skrevet er lang rekke artikler og populærfaglige bøker.

Twitter: @daghes fra @UniOslo

Noradkonferansen 2021: Hessen deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Dan Banik

Dan Banik is professor of political science and director of the Oslo SDG Initiative at the Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. His research interests include poverty, food security, famine, legal empowerment, development aid and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Prof. Banik has previously served as the head of the Norwegian-Finnish Trust Fund in the World Bank for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD) and on the Board of the Norwegian Crown Prince and Crown Princess’s Foundation. His books include Political Transition, Poverty and Inclusive Development in Malawi: The Democratic Dividend (with Blessings Chinsinga, Routledge, 2016), The Legal Empowerment Agenda: Poverty, Labour and the Informal Economy in Africa (2011, Ashgate), Poverty and Elusive Development (2010, Scandinavian University Press) and Starvation and India’s Democracy (2009, Routledge). Prof. Banik hosts a popular weekly podcast show, In Pursuit of Development.

Twitter: @danbanik fra @OsloSdg

Noradkonferansen 2021: Banik deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

David M. Beasley

David M. Beasley is Executive Director of the World Food Programme. Before coming to WFP in April 2017, Mr Beasley spent a decade working with high-profile leaders and on-the-ground programme managers in more than 100 countries, directing projects designed to foster peace, reconciliation and economic progress. He travelled to as many as 30 countries a year, organizing, leading or participating in conferences and missions in Kosovo, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen, among others. His work has allowed him to develop deep relationships with leaders around the world. As Governor of the U.S. state of South Carolina from 1995 to 1999, Mr Beasley guided the state during years of economic transformation, helping to reshape the state’s economy into a healthy, diverse and robust market.

Twitter: @WFPChief representerer @WFP

Noradkonferansen 2021: Beasley holder innlegg under åpningssesjonen tirsdag 26. januar.

Elisabeth Grieg

Elisabeth Grieg is co-owner at Grieg Group and Chair at the Grieg Maturitas board. Long-term leadership experience from the private sector and organizations in the business community. A contributor to the public debate on issues relating to sustainable business, climate change, poverty reduction, and social responsibility. And awardee and advocate for gender equality and empowerment. Several years of experience in shipping and the maritime industry.

Twitter: Representerer @TheGriegGroup

Noradkonferansen 2021: Grieg deltar i sesjonen om økonomi - vekst og arbeidsplasser innen planetens tålegrense onsdag 27. januar.

Erik Feiring

Erik Feiring er seniorrådgiver i Norad, i seksjon for kunnskapsprogrammer. Han har tidligere arbeidet med bærekraft og ansvarlige investeringer i næringslivet som rådgiver i Ernst & Young og SIGLA, og med skatt og ulovlige pengestrømmer i Verdensbanken og Norad.

Twitter: @ErikFeiring fra @noradno

Noradkonferansen 2021: Feiring deltar i sesjonen om økonomi - vekst og arbeidsplasser innen planetens tålegrense onsdag 27. januar.

Helen Clark

Helen Clark is a former New Zealand Prime Minister and a Former UNDP Administrator.

She currently Chairs the Boards of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health. Helen also serves on other public good Advisory Boards.

Clark is a frequent contributor to Conferences, and events, on issues related to Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Women’s Leadership.

Twitter: @HelenClarkNZ representerer @PMNCH

Noradkonferansen 2021: Clark deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Hulda Holtvedt

Hulda Holtvedt er talsperson i Grønn Ungdom. 

Twitter: @HuldaHoltvedt representerer @Oslopartiet

Noradkonferansen 2021: Holtvedt deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Idar Kreutzer

Idar Kreutzer er adm. direktør i Finans Norge. Han var konsernsjef i Storebrand fra 2000 til 2012. Kreutzer har hatt en rekke ulike styreverv, og er i dag styreleder i Aschehoug Forlag, styremedlem ved Universitetet i Oslo, og medlem i Norges Handelshøyskoles Advisory Board. Kreutzer er medlem av Klima- og miljøministerens klimaråd. I oktober 2018 overleverte Kreutzer sin rapport om tilgangen til risikokapital i Norden, på oppdrag fra Nordisk Ministerråd, og i juni 2018 overleverte han finansnæringens veikart for grønn konkurransekraft til Klima- og miljøministeren. I juni 2015 til oktober 2016 var han medlem i regjeringens ekspertutvalg for grønn konkurransekraft. I 2013 ble han valgt som medlem i Strategirådet for Statens pensjonsfond utland. Fra 2001 til 2012 var han rådsmedlem i WBCSD, og var Co-Chair for prosjektet Vision 2050. Kreutzer er utdannet siviløkonom ved Norges Handelshøyskole.

Twitter: Representerer @Finnor

Noradkonferansen 2021: Kreutzer deltar i sesjonen om økonomi - vekst og arbeidsplasser innen planetens tålegrense onsdag 27. januar.

Joy Phumaphi

Joy Phumaphi is Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance since 2010. She is Co-Chair of the UN Secretary General’s Independent Accountability Panel for Women Children and Adolescent health. The panel is responsible for the landmark global report “Caught in the COVID 19 Storm”, a hard hitting expose on the plight of the worlds women, newborns, children and adolescents during the pandemic. Joy is co-chair of the Lancet Commission on health in the zero carbon economy, and a member of the COVID 19 Task Force on Global Health, Diplomacy and Cooperation. She has previously served the People of Botswana as Principal Local Government Auditor, responsible for all Local Authorities in the country and as Vice President for Human Development at the World Bank.

Twitter: @joy_phumaphi representerer ALMA_2030

Noradkonferansen 2021: Phumaphi deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Leslie London

Leslie London is a public health specialist with an interest in human rights, public health ethics, farm worker health,prevention of alcohol related harms and the health hazards of pesticides. He is the head of the Division of Public HealthMedicine, leads the Health and Human Rights programme and is an active researcher in the Centre for Occupational andEnvironmental Health Research. He provides technical support to the provincial XDR TB panel and to the public healthfunctions of the Health Impact Assessment Directorate in the Health Department.

Noradkonferansen 2021: London deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar. 

Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth is an economist focused on making economics fit for the 21st century. Her book Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist is an international bestseller that has been translated into 18 languages, and was long-listed for the 2017 Financial Times & McKinsey Business Book of the Year award. She is co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab, working with cities, business, communities and educators to bring about transformation. She teaches at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute and is Professor of Practice at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Twitter: @KateRaworth fra @ecioxford

Noradkonferansen 2021: Raworth deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Dr. Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin

Dr. Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin became the Minister of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in March 2020. Prior to this appointment, she served as State Minister of Health since November 2018, leading the national health programs under the Health Sector Transformation Strategy.

Dr. Lia is an obstetrician and gynecologist with extensive experience as a clinician, in health care leadership, academia, and hospital and program management, with over 20 years’ experience.
Prior to joining the ministry of health, Dr. Lia Tadesse served as Program Director at the University of Michigan’s Center for International Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she has successfully partnered with several institutions, in both Ethiopia and Rwanda, to increase the quality of reproductive health services and training.

Serving as the CEO and Vice Provost of St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC) in Addis Ababa for seven years, Dr Lia led the hospital’s services and academic reforms, including forging collaborative relationships with several national and international stakeholders. Dr. Lia was also Project Director of USAID’s Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) at Jhpiego-Ethiopia prior to joining CIRHT after leaving SPHMMC.

Twitter: @lia_tadesse representerer @FMoHealth

Noradkonferansen 2021: Tadesse deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Maria Berg Reinertsen

Maria Berg Reinertsen er samfunnsøkonom, journalist i Morgenbladet og forfatter av flere bøker deriblant Reisen til Bretton Woods (2017).

Noradkonferansen 2021: Reinertsen er moderator for panelene i sesjonene om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand og økonomi - vekst og arbeidsplasser innen planetens tålegrense onsdag 27. januar.

Marie Nielsen

Marie Nielsen is currently the General manager of Penda Paper recycling in Ethiopia and a partner at Antler East Africa. She's a former Associate Partner at McKinsey, and was awarded "Årets ledertalent" by E24 in 2017.

Noradkonferansen 2021: Nielsen deltar i sesjonen om økonomi - vekst og arbeidsplasser innen planetens tålegrense onsdag 27. januar.

Marie Storli

Marie Storli er leder i Rethinking Economics Norge, og utdannet samfunnsøkonom ved Universitetet i Oslo med spesialisering innen miljøøkonomi. Til daglig jobber Marie med bærekraft i Myldring, et arbeidereid konsulentselskap. Hun har også jobbet i forskningsavdelingen til Positive Money Europe.

Twitter: @StorliMarie representerer @rethinkingnorge

Noradkonferansen 2021: Storli deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Ole Erik Almlid

Ole Erik Almlid har jobbet i NHO siden 2013, først som direktør med ansvar for kommunikasjon og regioner, og fra 2015 som viseadministrerende direktør med ansvaret for næringspolitikken i NHO.

Almlid har tidligere vært nyhetsredaktør i Aftenposten, sjefredaktør i Østlendingen og Hamar Dagblad, sjefredaktør og daglig leder i Avisenes Pressebyrå og politisk redaktør i Trønder-Avisa. Han har i tillegg hatt en rekke mellomlederstillinger og vært journalist i flere mediehus.

Twitter: @oleerikalmlid representerer @NHO_no

Noradkonferansen 2021: Almlid deltar i sesjonen om økonomi - vekst og arbeidsplasser innen planetens tålegrense onsdag 27. januar.

Ole F. Norheim

Ole F. Norheim is director of Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS), Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen. He is also adjunct professor of global health at the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. He chairs WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Essential Health Benefit Packages.

Twitter: @OFNorheim fra @UiB

Noradkonferansen 2021: Norheim deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Pavan Sukhdev

Pavan Sukhdev is a scientist by education, an international banker by training, and an environmental economist by passion. Pavan's pioneering work on corporate sustainability metrics, the invisible economics of nature, and economic transition to an inclusive green economy, such as when he led the UN study TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity), has been recognised through several awards, including the Tyler Prize (2020); Blue Planet Prize (2016); KfW-Bernhard-Grzimek Prize (2015) and the Gothenburg Award for Sustainable Development (2013).

Twitter: @PavanSukhdev representerer @WWF

Noradkonferansen 2021: Sukhdev holder innlegg under åpningssesjonen tirsdag 26. januar.

Richard J. Hatchett

Richard J. Hatchett, MD, is Chief Executive Officer of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a partnership of public, private, philanthropic and civil organizations that supports the development of vaccines against high priority public health threats and technology platforms to allow the rapid development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19.  Dr. Hatchett was previously the acting Director of the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and served as Director of Medical Preparedness Policy on the Homeland and National Security Councils under Presidents Bush and Obama, respectively.  He received his medical degree from Vanderbilt and completed clinical training in internal medicine and medical oncology at Cornell and Duke.

Twitter: @DrRHatchett representerer @CEPIvaccines

Noradkonferansen 2021: Hatchett deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Per Espen Stoknes

Per Espen Stoknes er utdannet psykolog med dr.grad i grønn økonomi og arbeider som førsteamanuensis og leder for BI Senter for Bærekraft og Energi. Han er også utpekt av EU Commission som medlem av Europa Horizon Mission Board for Climate and Societal Transformation to 2030.

Twitter: @estoknes fra @HandelshoyskBI

Noradkonferansen 2021: Stoknes deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Sveinung Rotevatn

Sveinung Rotevatn er klima- og miljøminister. Rotevatn kjem frå posisjonen som statssekretær i Klima- og miljødepartementet. Han var valt inn på Stortinget frå Sogn og Fjordane i perioden 2013 – 2017, og vart statssekretær i Justisdepartementet 17. januar 2018. Sidan 12. oktober 2018 har han vore statssekretær i Klima- og miljødepartementet. Rotevatn var representant for Sogn og Fjordane Venstre på Stortinget i perioden 2013-2017. Før dette var han leiar i Unge Venstre (2010–2013).

Twitter: @Rotevatn fra @Climateforest & @kldep

Noradkonferansen 2021: Rotevatn deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was elected as WHO Director-General for a five-year term by WHO Member States at the Seventieth World Health Assembly in May 2017.Prior to his election as WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros served as Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2012–2016.Dr Tedros served as Ethiopia’s Minister of Health from 2005–2012. Born in the city of Asmara, Eritrea, Dr Tedros holds a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Community Health from the University of Nottingham and a Master of Science (MSc) in Immunology of Infectious Diseases from the University of London. Dr Tedros is globally recognised as a health scholar, researcher, and diplomat with first-hand experience in research, operations, and leadership in emergency responses to epidemics.

Born in the city of Asmara, Eritrea, Dr Tedros holds a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Community Health from the University of Nottingham and a Master of Science (MSc) in Immunology of Infectious Diseases from the University of London. Dr Tedros is globally recognised as a health scholar, researcher, and diplomat with first-hand experience in research, operations, and leadership in emergency responses to epidemics.

Twitter: @DrTedros representerer @WHO

Noradkonferansen 2021: Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus deltar i sesjonen om helse - vaksinenasjonalisme og global fordeling tirsdag 26. januar.

Tellef Thorleifsson

Tellef Thorleifsson has been CEO of Norfund - the Norwegian Investment Fund for developing countries - since the autumn of 2018. Prior to Norfund, he was co-founder and managing partner of Northzone. Thorleifsson was instrumental in building Northzone to become a leading international venture fund. Since inception in 1996 it has raised more than EUR 1.5 billion through 9 funds and invested in more than 130 companies.

Thorleifsson is also a co-founder of the Voxtra Foundation which has been making targeted investments and grants within agribusiness in East Africa. Thorleifsson has had several directorships.

Twitter: @tellefthor representerer @norfund_

Noradkonferansen 2021: Thorleifsson deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Trine Lise Sundnes

Trine Lise Sundnes leder LOs Internasjonale avdeling og er styreleder i FN-sambandet. Hele sitt voksne liv har hun jobbet for å fremme et anstendig arbeidsliv nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Som tillitsvalgt gjennom mange år, i LOs ledelse, som forbundsleder i Handel og Kontor og som styremedlem i ILO har hun virket for å forene arbeidsliv, klima og rettferdig omstilling.

Twitter: @lotrinelise representerer @lonorge

Noradkonferansen 2021: Sundnes deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Ulrika Åkesson

Ulrika Åkesson has 25 years of experience in development cooperation within the areas of environment and climate change from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. She has experience in developing policies and methods and responding to government requests related to environment and climate change. She has organised multi-stakeholder conferences, participated as an expert and acted as a moderator in various events related to the area.

Furthermore, she is holding the position as the Chair of OECD DAC´s Network on Environment and Development Cooperation (ENVIRONET). Since 2018 she is working as a Lead Policy Specialist on Environment and Climate Change at Sida, appointed by the Director General, as one of five Lead Policy Specialists for five prioritised areas in Swedish development cooperation, with overarching responsibility for the area externally and internally.

Twitter: @uakesson representerer @Sida

Noradkonferansen 2021: Åkesson deltar i sesjonen om klima - grønn gjenoppbygging og norsk bistand onsdag 27. januar.

Publisert 23.01.2021
Sist oppdatert 23.01.2021