What Norway and Norad do within higher education

Norway has a tradition of investing in higher education. Two programmes take this investment further.

NORHED - Norway's capacity development programme in higher education and research for development. NORHED was launched in 2012 and is an extension of NUFU and NOMA. Prioritised thematic areas are education and training, health, natural resource management, climate change and environment, democratic and economic governance and humanities, culture, media and communication.

All NORHED projects today have one or more partners in low- or middle-income countries and one in Norway. There is a trend towards entering into agreements directly with partners in the respective partner countries, which means that they become project managers. NORHED has an annual budget of approximately NOK 130 million.

EnPE – The first announcement of Norad's Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development within the Fields of Energy and Petroleum (EnPe) was published in 2009, with start-up in 2010. The programme is administered by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and is funded by Norad. The aim is to build capacity in the energy and petroleum sector of selected partner countries. NOK 20 million is allocated annually to EnPe.

Partnership and cooperation

Norad has been supporting capacity development for higher education and research in low- and middle-income countries for several decades. The aim is to equip countries to train their own workforce and to produce more and higher quality research of relevance for development. Specialist knowledge is also important for policy-making and gender equality.

There are long traditions for collaboration on education and research between institutions of higher education in low- and middle-income countries and similar institutions in Norway. The cooperation is operated on an increasingly regional basis, and most projects today involve a number of partners. Activities include joint research projects, advisory services, teaching, and exchange programmes for PhD candidates and staff.

The primary responsibility and initiative increasingly lies with the partner in the partner countries, and projects must be clearly associated with the defined needs of the institution and the country/region.

Published 30.12.2014
Last updated 16.02.2015