Education Results Reporting System

Reporting for bi-lateral and multi-bilateral agreements that receive Norwegian education aid.

Reporting on results of aid investments has become increasingly important. To enable a more coherent and aggregated reporting on results of the Norwegian governments’ aid to education for development, a results reporting system has been developed.

When to report

The results reporting system is a reference document for all partners and institutions receiving aid for education projects from the Norwegian government to use when:

  1. developing their proposals and results frameworks for Norwegian funding


  2. when reporting on the same proposals and results frameworks.

The framework should be used for all applicable agreements signed in 2017 and going forward.  

To which agreements do this results reporting system apply?

  1. Where education constitutes the main component of the agreement

  2. Implementation of the agreement is at educational institution/community level and Norway is the sole or major donor.

  3. In both emergency and development programmes/projects.

  4. As a reference document for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norad when negotiating new common results frameworks with other partners

What will MFA/Norad use the results reporting system for?

  1. Ensure that all programmes and projects implemented with Norwegian ODA funding contributes to outcomes stated in the goal hierarchy for the education thematic area.

  2. Enable aggregated results reporting against output indicators, and as feasible outcome indicators, listed in the menu of indicators. The menu of indicators corresponds to the goal hierarchy and hence allows us to report on Norway’s contribution to achieving the objectives and outcomes in the white paper 25 on Education for Development.

On this website, you will find the results reporting system document containing guidelines and other information you need to start implementing the system.

As time goes by further guidance, examples and frequently asked questions will be posted on this website. If you have questions related to this system, please contact

Published 13.01.2017
Last updated 13.01.2017