Published: 19. March 2021
Norad’s new strategy towards 2030
In our new strategy, ‘Norad of the future’, we look towards 2030, with the Sustainable Development Goals as our cornerstone. -
Published: 26. January 2021
Revisit the Norad Conference 2021
We have gathered all presentations and panel discussions from the 2021 Norad Conference for everyone interested in global health, climate change and economic development to watch. -
Published: 23. January 2021
The 2021 Norad Conference: Speaker bios
Learn more about the participants at this year's Norad Conference. -
Published: 14. January 2021
The Norad Conference 2021: A new start – together or every state for itself?
Norad welcomes you to our annual conference 26 and 27 January. This year’s conference is digital. -
Published: 18. December 2020
University partnerships receive funding for 60 projects through the NORHED programme
A total of 60 projects have been awarded funding under the NORHED II call for proposals. The new programme portfolio covers a broad thematic and geographical focus, with the intention to strengthen the quality of education and research at higher education institutions in the Global South. -
Published: 10. July 2020
Strong competition for university partnership funding
Norad received 199 applications for university collaboration under the NORHED II call for proposals. The applications include more than 300 partner institutions across 50 countries. -
Published: 30. June 2020
Every minute, the world loses ten soccer pitches of tropical rainforest
In 2019 the world lost 3.8 million hectares of tropical primary forests, according to a new report. This equals a soccer pitch every six seconds – in total an area the size of Switzerland. -
Published: 16. June 2020
Hundreds of organisations from all over the world apply for Norwegian funding to forest projects
Norad is currently processing a total of 358 applications received after the call for proposals for climate and forest projects. Organisations from Brazil head the list of applicants. Support to indigenous peoples is the largest category. -
Published: 4. June 2020
New MOPAN report recalls some old news about CGIAR
An international network of funders has just released its first assessment of CGIAR, the world’s largest global agricultural research network. -
Published: 19. May 2020
This is how Norwegian development aid funds are spent
In 2019, Norway gave a record NOK 37.8 billion to development aid. Syria was the largest recipient country for the fourth consecutive year.