Published: 12. January 2022
The 2022 Norad Conference
Published: 8. November 2021
Reducing emissions - Solutions for People, Climate and Nature
In the Paris Agreement the goal is to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. How can we contribute to this objective, while also fighting poverty? -
Published: 1. September 2021
Reorganisation of Norad comes into effect
On 1 September, the largest reorganisation of the agency in 15 years will come into effect. Norad is now organised according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). See the new organisation chart and new management team. -
Published: 29. June 2021
Promoting global change by supporting local partners
Norad is entering into agreements with 39 organisations as part of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI). The organisations will receive a total of 1.835 NOK billion in funding over the next five years to stop deforestation and forest degradation. -
Published: 23. June 2021
Reorganisation of Norad in line with the SDGs
Norad is currently undergoing its largest reorganisation in 15 years. Our partners will meet a new Norad, and some will also have new contact persons and grant managers from 1 September when the new organisation is put into practice. -
Published: 14. June 2021
Norway and NCD Alliance partner to scale up NCD action in developing countries
This landmark partnership is part of Norway’s commitment to reduce the global burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). -
Published: 9. June 2021
Norway supports civil society organisations in the struggle against modern slavery
The struggle against modern slavery is a new priority in Norwegian development assistance. Through an entirely new grant scheme, Norad has entered into eight new agreements with civil society organisations that are working to eradicate modern slavery. -
Published: 4. June 2021
Enterprise grant scheme contributes to job creation and sustainable development in low-income countries
Norad is now entering into 22 new agreements with a total value of NOK 40 million through our grant scheme Enterprise Development for Jobs directed towards private sector that want to invest in enterprise development in low-income countries. The aim is to contribute to job creation and sustainable development. -
Published: 30. April 2021
Norad towards 2030 – partnership with civil society
Norad’s main task is to invest strategically in cooperation with our partners in, including civil society. Norad’s new strategy will facilitate the further development of this relationship. -
Published: 20. April 2021
How is Norwegian aid spent?
In 2020, Norway provided a total of NOK 39.5 billion in development aid. The aid for health increased considerably, and Syria was the largest recipient country for the fifth year in a row.