Seminar: Evaluering av Verdensbankens støtte til sosiale sikkerhetsnett

8 nov. 2011

9:30 - 12:00

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Norad, Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo

Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo

I perioden 2000-2010 støttet Verdensbanken utvikling av slike ordninger med rundt 11,5 milliarder dollar. Det vil bli presentert en evaluering som har vurdert bankens arbeid og trukket lærdommer til nytte for fremtidig arbeid. I tillegg vil det bli en presentasjon av erfaringer når det gjelder kontantstøttetiltak i helsesektoren.


09:30 – 10:30 - Evaluation of the Bank support to social safety nets – Presentation
Jennie Litvack, Lead Economist, Independent Evaluation Group, The World Bank

IEG’s evaluation finds that World Bank support to SSNs has largely accomplished its short-term objectives and helped countries achieve immediate impacts. While substantial progress was made over the last decade, following areas of World Bank and other donor support to SSNs need strengthening

  • Engagement is needed during stable times to help countries develop SSNs that address poverty and can respond to shocks.
  • Continued emphasis is needed on building SSN systems and institutional capacity and stronger engagement is needed in low-income countries.
  • Results frameworks for safety nets need to be strengthened. This involves improvements in the quality of objectives, design, and monitoring within projects, as well as development of a longer term results framework for building effective SSN programs and systems.
  • Donor support to SSNs in low-income countries is often fragmented and need better harmonization   

10:30 – 10:45 - Coffee

10:45– 11:30 - Conditional cash transfers and health: unpacking the causal chain
Gaarder, Marie M., Director, Evaluation Department, Norad

This paper investigates whether conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs that include health and nutrition components improve health and nutritional outcomes, and if so, which components of the programs or combination thereof, are important in achieving these improvements. Paper presents evidence from Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

11:30-12:00 - Discussion and conclusion