The Oil for Development programme in Colombia
Geological and seismic data indicate promising potential off Colombia’s Caribbean coast, where several international oil companies are conducting exploration activities. A comprehensive petroleum legal framework is in place for onshore activities but laws and regulations concerning the new offshore sector are still under development. Colombian authorities have asked for assistance to develop capacity to manage the offshore sector.
A limited OfD country programme focusing on offshore environment, safety and resource management was formally approved by the OfD Steering Committee in 2017. The planning process was concluded in 2019 with the development of a programme document, and several activities were conducted as preparation for the programme. Programme activities will emphasise cross-cutting issues and improved coordination between institutions.
The Programme Agreement between Norad and the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy is due to be signed in 2020.
Transparency and accountability
The Embassy of Norway in Colombia has signed a NOK 4 million cooperation agreement with the Colombian NGO Crudo Transparente for the period 2018–2020.
Crudo Transparente is the only civil society organisation aimed exclusively at the petroleum sector in Colombia. Its main objective is to strengthen the governance of the petroleum sector in order to avoid conflicts and to promote peace-building. The three sub-goals (outcomes) of the organisation are:
- Empowering stakeholders by producing political, economic, environmental and social analyses of the oil sector in Colombia;
- Evaluating the quality of the oil royalties’ investment in Colombia, and
- Creating mediation and concertation spaces in oil-influenced regions.