Supporting law enforcement to combat forestry crime
Project LEAF supports law enforcement to tackle organised transnational criminal groups involved in illegal logging in the Amazon and Mekong Basins, including forest authorities, customs and police, to enforce laws and policies on illegal logging, trade of illegal wood products, and related crimes.
50-90 per cent of the deforestation in tropical countries is associated with organized crime. Tackling illegal logging is therefore crucial in preventing overall forest loss.
INTERPOL has identified significant quantities of illegal timber sourced from the Mekong and Amazon Basin regions.
Norad intends to offer NOK 32,5 million in total for the period 2016-2020.
Working through INTERPOL’s network of National Central Bureaus and Regional Bureaus, Project LEAF will collect and analyse criminal intelligence, coordinate police and law enforcement operations, and capacity building and training programmes in partnership with key strategic partners.
Expected results
- Transnational operations (arrests, seizures, publication of INTERPOL notices)
- Investigative Support Teams (ISTs) deployed to support investigations and operations
- National Environmental Security Seminars (NESS) and National Environmental Security Task Forces (NEST) created to support Inter-agency collaboration
- Publications and reports in order to raise awareness
- Training initiatives to support capacity building and training of law enforcement.
INTERPOL’s strategic partners on Project LEAF are UNEP and the INTERPOL NCBs in each of INTERPOL’s member countries.
INTERPOL will also coordinate its activities with the International Consortium for Combatting Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) comprising INTERPOL, UNODC, the CITES Secretariat, World Customs Organisation and the World Bank.
Project LEAF maintains regular dialogue and information exchange with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to support its work. Project LEAF will host a roundtable each year with NGOs to further develop strategic partnership opportunities.
About the project descriptions
The project descriptions give insight in the NICFI portfolio for civil society organisations supported by Norad.
The descriptions presented are written by the project partners. Only minor edits have been undertaken by Norad. Their presentations and conclusions do not necessarily reflect the views of Norad.