Strengthening the Agency of Indigenous Peoples as Vital Actors and Decision-Makers in Proper Implementation of REDD+

The desired state of society which this project will contribute to will be a society that respects, protects and fulfills the human rights of indigenous peoples and all human beings and incentivize lifestyles, cultures, knowledge and practices, which promote sustainable management of forests and ecosystems and promote justice, equity and sustainability.


Tebtebba Foundation (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education)



Total for 2013-2015:

14 550 000 Norwegian kroner

Total for 2009-2012:

25 000 000 Norwegian kroner

The desired state of society which this project will contribute to will be a society that respects, protects and fulfills the human rights of indigenous peoples and all human beings and incentivize lifestyles, cultures, knowledge and practices, which promote sustainable management of forests and ecosystems and promote justice, equity and sustainability.


Enhanced capabilities of indigenous peoples, with special focus on indigenous women, to effectively engage in REDD+ decision-making, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation processes at sub-national, national and global levels to ensure that reducing emissions from increasing carbon-sequestration of tropical forests can be achieved to meet the goals of climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as sustainable development.  


  1. Indigenous ecological knowledge systems are recognized and utilized and traditional and sustainable livelihoods of forest-dwelling and forest-dependent indigenous peoples are strengthened, supported and integrated as essential components of the holistic framework for Indigenous Peoples’ Sustainable, Self-Determined development (IPSSDD).
  2. Effective engagement of indigenous peoples in REDD+ -related global negotiations and processes to ensure that the equity, justice, rights and sustainability issues of indigenous peoples, especially indigenous women, are integrated into the new international climate regime and to ensure that REDD+ and agriculture will still be included in the new regime.


Tebtebba and its 17 partner indigenous organizations and non governmental organization belonging to the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Partnership on Climate Change and Forests.

Published 22.10.2013
Last updated 16.02.2015