Solange Bandiaky-Badji

Regional Director for Africa, Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)

Solange Bandiaky-Badji is the Africa Program Director for the Rights and Resources Initiative. She leads the development of RRI’s strategy for engagement in Africa with a focus on tenure rights, building more synergies around new strategic analyses, and giving actors a more strategic understanding of trends, issues, options, and gender in Africa.

She holds a PhD in women’s and gender studies from Clark University in Massachusetts, and Master’s degrees in Environmental Sciences and in Philosophy from Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal. She had worked as the Regional Expert on gender and climate change for the Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) and the UNDP/ BDP Gender Team in New York. Solange has published work on gender in relation to natural resource management, decentralization/local governance, forest and land reforms.

Ms. Bandiaky-Badji will attend Parallel C2 Under what condition is REDD+ a threat / opportunity to local rights?

Published 23.09.2013
Last updated 16.02.2015