Reducing deforestation with transparency of law enforcement
Deforestation and forest degradation in the Brazilian Amazon has decreased, but on average about 500.000 hectares of forest has been reduced in the past three years.
Impunity regarding environmental crimes, land tax evasion, illegal occupation of public lands, purchase of products harvested and produce in areas illegally deforested is significant (for example, only 25% of areas deforested are embargoed).
The five-year project will cost NOK 83,5 million of which Norad intends to offer NOK 45 million (54%) in total for the period 2016-2020.
The program will draw on lesson from successful initiatives in the past decade that helped reduce about 80% of deforestation in Brazil.
A consortium of non-governmental organization will use satellite and radar imagery to systematically alert about deforestation and logging to strengthen law enforcement and the implementation of zero-deforestation agreements by public and private sectors.
The group will also assess and promote improvements of land policies so that clear land tenure and efficient collection of land tax on unproductive clearings discourages speculative deforestation and enables the adoption of more productive and sustainable land use and forest restoration.
Researchers will evaluate the implementation, assess the impacts and promote improvements of the legal-binding and voluntary zero-deforestation agreements by companies in the beef sector so they can be expanded and more effectively implemented. Investigative reporters will produce in-depth stories to increase pressure for more effective private and public policies against deforestation.
The research will be widely disseminated using printed and virtual publications, presentation to key players such as public prosecutors, government officials, civil society organizations and the press at national and international level.
Expected results
Law enforcement efficiency increased higher application of penalties against environmental crimes, higher collection of land taxes, meat-pacing industries boycotts cattle from illegal sources resulting in reduced deforestation and forest degradation (illegal timber harvesting).
Amazon Institute of People and the Environment (Imazon), Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV), O Eco, Amigos da Terra - AmazĂ´nia Brasileira and the University of Wisconsin (UW).
About the project descriptions
The project descriptions give insight in the NICFI portfolio for civil society organisations supported by Norad.
The descriptions presented are written by the project partners. Only minor edits have been undertaken by Norad. Their presentations and conclusions do not necessarily reflect the views of Norad.