14,5 million USD designated to the establishment and management of indigenous territories in Peru

Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN) and two of its partners in Peru, the indigenous peoples’ organization AIDESEP and the NGO Derechos, Ambiente y Recursos (DAR) directly contributed to including the participation and land rights of indigenous peoples as an important issue in the Peru’s Investment Plan that was approved by the governing body of the World Bank’s Forest Investment Program (FIP) in November 2013. 

While Peru is not a program country, this effort was an important part of the international advocacy component of the program. RFN and partners did direct advocacy work prior to and during the meeting of the decision making body of the FIP, based on support over several years to the development of AIDESEP’s “indigenous-REDD”-concept. Of the 50 million US dollars granted under the FIP agreement, 14,5 million is designated to the establishment and management of indigenous territories, as well as for indigenous forest governance. Moreover, the agreement includes provisions for the inclusion of indigenous communities and organizations as direct implementers of the forest management and community forest governance programs, and ensures indigenous representation on the technical teams for land titling.

This is an unprecedented breakthrough for indigenous peoples’ participation in REDD+ in the region, presenting both great opportunities and serious challenges for the indigenous movement in Peru in the coming years. It remains to be seen how the Investment Plan will be implemented in practice, whether the commitments to indigenous peoples will be fulfilled, and whether the indigenous peoples’ organizations have the necessary capacity to make the most of this opportunity.

Published 14.08.2014
Last updated 16.02.2015