Frequently asked questions

Innovation and Entrepreneurship on food, blue economy, marine litter, renewable energy, clean cooking solutions, climate adaptation and environment in Sub-Saharan Africa
Regarding this call’s focus areas and objectives 

Q: Why does this call both address incubators and accelerators on the one hand and first loss mechanisms for financial institutions (FIs) on the other? 

A: The idea is that incubators and accelerators will stimulate early-stage companies in their innovation efforts, while a broader debt-funding will be needed for innovations in the scaling phase. Therefore, it is also possible for incubators to apply together with FIs. 

Q: Can one applicant apply for multiple objectives/thematic areas – e.g. renewable energy, blue economy and agriculture? 

A: Yes, it is possible. In the application it must be clear what approximate percentage will go to each thematic area, as the funding is coming from multiple budget lines. This applies for both incubators and accelerators as well as entities applying for first loss facilities. 

Q: Can one application cover both the incubator/accelerator component and the first loss component? 

A: Yes, it is possible. In such cases, typically an incubator will submit an application together with a financial institution, where the financial institution will handle the first-loss portion of the grant. 

Q: Which are the most important criteria for the selection of grant receivers? 

A: Please make sure you read the text in the call for proposal well. It describes the most important criteria. Project realism, applicant strength and experience and catalytic impact are among the key dimensions, in addition to expected project impact and contribution to the relevant SDGs. 

Q: Does the grant also provide first loss facilities for the investment funds to be invested in the start-up companies?  

A No, it is not a fund-structure first loss facility. This particular call provides first loss facilities only to financial institutions covering a portion of the losses associated with loans given to scale the innovation. 


Regarding Eligibility 

Q: Who can apply?  

A: Private sector actors in Norway and the recipient country can apply as lead on an application (main applicant). Priority will be given to accelerators, incubators, SME investment funds for TA facility, commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions, including guarantee funds.  

Section 1 and section 3 in the call for proposal provides further information on this. Please read these sections carefully.  

Q: Is an incubator or accelerator eligible to receive part of the grant when it submits a project led by a financial institution, or vice versa, as the main applicant? In that case, is there any restriction/percentage of the resources from the grant to be directly managed by each? 

A: Yes, both entities can receive a part of the grant, according to their actual contribution to the project. The compensation is based on the actual cost which must be on a break-even basis, which means that none of the entities can make a profit from the grant. There are no defined limits with respect to the share. The division will be based on the tasks needed to fulfill the project objective and the logical contribution from each partner.  

Q: Can multilateral organizations, governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and academic and research institutions be included as partners to an application? 

A: Yes. However, they cannot be the main applicant (agreement party). 

Q: Can an organization submit more than one proposal? Is there a limitation per organization? 

A: Yes, there is a limitation. Each institution can submit one application as a lead applicant. As there is a limited number of grants available it is highly unlikely that one organization would qualify for more than one grant. Therefore, we encourage the institutions to submit their best application. 

Q: My organization has two different country offices (both registered in operating their countries). Does the one-proposal limitation apply here?  

A: The spirit of the rule is one application per organization. To determine whether two offices are separate organizations, the evaluation will look at whether they are two different subsidiaries, registered as different legal entities in different countries, and with separate accounts and largely separate functions, they could apply. However, we would encourage all organizations to put their efforts behind their “best application”.  

Q: Can an organization submit a proposal as lead applicant and be part of a consortium/ partnership as co-applicant in another application? 

A: The answer is yes, it is possible. But each applicant can only be partner in one partner application – which means in total each organization or company can participate in a total of two applications; one as a lead applicant and one as a co-applicant. In the application as co-applicant, it must be clear that it is the other organization/company which is the lead with respect to role and budget distribution.  

Q: To which countries does the call for proposal apply? 

A: This call focuses on Sub Saharan African countries, and priority will be given to applications focused on Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ghana, and Malawi.  

Question: Can we apply for funding for activities in more than one country? 

A: The application may cover more than one country. Regional projects may also be considered. 


Regarding budget and cost distribution 

Q: Is it necessary to give a budget overview in the proposal? 

A: Yes. Please see section 6 of the call for proposals. 

Q: What type of support can incubators and accelerators apply for? 

A: Costs in relation to setting up the offices, staff and in some instances external costs in relation to raising a private investment fund to later invest in the start-ups and SMEs. 

Q: Does Norad require the applicant to cover a percentage cost of the budget? Either with own funds or co-financing from other donors? 

A: There is no co-financing/own contribution requirement for this call for proposals. 

Q: How are indirect costs/overhead calculated? What costs are eligible? 

A: Please see this link for specific information on what costs are eligible and further guidance on indirect costs/overhead costs: Guidelines-for-handling-indirect-operating-costs-in-connection-with-grants-norad-002.pdf   

Regarding the grants portal and application process 

Q: Do we need to send in a letter of interest prior to applying in the grant portal? 

A:  No such letter of expression of interest is required. Please follow the guidelines in the grant portal for the application procedure. 

Q: How can I access and work on an application in the Grants Portal? 

A: You will find a link to the online Grants Portal on the website. Before you start working on the application, you must be a registered user in the Grants Portal. Information on registration and roles in the portal is available under “Help”, in the Grants Portal. Here you will also find guidelines specifically to “new user” registration in the portal, overview of the portal, and the steps in submitting an application. To register as a user, please go to: Create new user - Insights ( 

Q: How do we submit the concept note? 

A: The concept note should be submitted through our Grants Portal: Innovation and Entrepreneurship on climate and environment - Insights ( 

Q: What language should the concept note be submitted in? 

A: Only concept notes submitted in English will be considered. 

Q: Can an application be reopened and revised once it is already submitted? 

A: The application will be automatically saved while you are working on it. When the application is submitted, you may reopen and revise the application within the deadline. The application must then be resubmitted before the deadline. 

Q: In the first phase do we apply through the online application form or is the application form only for the second phase for full proposals? 

A: Indeed, the first phase is through the grant portal online as specified in the call. No applications will be accepted if they are not submitted through the grant portal. All fields must be completed. 

Q: What is the timeline for applicants who move on to Stage 2 (full proposal)? 

A: Norad tentatively expects full proposals to be submitted by the end of September 2023, with a final decision made by Norad in November 2023. In early August all applicants will receive a letter informing on whether they made it to the next stage or not. 

Q: I am having technical difficulties, who should I contact? 

A: Please contact 


Regarding the agreement period 

Q: What is the agreement period? 

A: Applicants may apply for funding of projects covering the period 2023/-2026.  

Q: Can Norad indicate the start date of the proposed projects? 

A: The earliest possible start date is 30 November 2023. 

Published 24.05.2023
Last updated 24.05.2023