Blir evalueringer brukt?

Bidrar de til beslutninger og læring i norsk bistandsforvaltning? Dette er ett av flere spørsmålene som diskuteres i en ny studie som legges frem i Norad.
18 apr. 2013

10:00 - 11:30

Legg til i kalender (ics)

Norad, Informasjonssenteret i 6. etasje

Ruseløkkveien 26, 0251 Oslo

Rapporten som har fått navnet Use of Evaluations in the Norwegian Development Cooperation System, lanseres av evalueringsavdelingen i Norad torsdag 18. april.

Studien er utført av det amerikanske konsulentselskapet RAND Europe.

Alle som melder seg på seminaret, vil få tilsendt rapporten 16. april. Merk at det er sperrefrist for rapporten til torsdag 18. april. 

Seminaret vil bli avholdt på engelsk.

Do our evaluations lead to anything? Are they used and useful?

The Evaluation Department commissioned this study of the use of evaluations in Norwegian aid. It looks at our department, as well as at the units responsible for the management of aid, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). The study assesses the current evaluation follow-up system, what effects evaluations have had, and constraints in the use of evaluations for decision making and learning. It presents findings based on in-depth interviews, case studies, reviews of 60 evaluations and a questionnaire survey with 264 respondents across Norad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassies.

10:00 - 10:05     Welcome Hans Peter Melby, Acting Director, Evaluation Department


Villa Kulild, Director General, Norad
10:10 - 10:45

   Study of Use of Evaluations in the Norwegian Development Cooperation System, Presentation of findings and recommendations

Linda Morra Imas, team member and evaluation specialist, RAND – Europe
10:45 - 10:55     Comment Tore Hattrem, Director General, Department for Regional Affairs and Development, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
10:55 - 11:30    Discussion