Åpent møte med Verdenbankens uavhengige evalueringsgruppe

Kenneth Chomitz, seniorrådgiver i Verdenbankens uavhengige evalueringsgruppe (IEG), kommer til Norad.
12 nov. 2012

10:00 - 11:30

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Norad, 4 etg. Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo

Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo

Temaet for møtet er «Tilpasning til klimaendringer: Evaluering av Verdensbankens erfaringer». IEG har offentliggjort en ny evaluering som trekker lærdommer for klimatilpasning fra tre ulike aktiviteter fra Verdensbanken. Se rapporten her: Adapting to Climate Change: Assessing World Bank Group Experience . Møtet vil bli avholdt på engelsk.

Program: Open Meeting with IEG

10.00- 10.05                           Welcome and Background

Adapting to Climate Change: Assessing World Bank Group Experience

Kenneth Chomitz, Senior Advisor, Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank Group IEG

Climate change makes development more difficult and expensive. It has intensified familiar threats such as drought, heat waves, floods and storms, and will continue to do so. And it brings wholly new challenges, such as the loss of glacial water storage and the inundation of low-lying coasts and islands. 

IEG’s new evaluation draws lessons for climate adaptation from three kinds of World Bank Group activity. It reviews the impact of longer-standing efforts to deal with climate variability, for instance via drought relief, sustainable land management, and flood control. It looks at how, and how well, the World Bank Group has incorporated climate change risks into the design and appraisal of infrastructure, including hydropower. And it assesses early lessons from a new crop of activities that explicitly grapple with climate adaptation at the national level.

10.45-11.00  Comments, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norad
11.00-11.30 Questions and Discussion