Statistics for Development

Our statistical capacity development programmes aim to increase demand, availability and quality of statistics and statistical analysis in national policy making, in civil society and in the public discourse.

Norway supports efforts to strengthen statistical systems as a means to strengthening the basis for evidence based policy making and good governance in our partner countries.

Why statistics for development

With the formulation of the Millienium Development Goals and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, the last decade has experienced an increase in focus on measuring outcomes and results to guide policy development and poverty reduction.

Increasing appreciation of the role, power and importance of statistics has led to a higher priority attached to statistical capacity development in many developing countries.

However, despite increased consensus on the importance of reliable national statistics, many developing countries do not have the sound and sustainable national statistical systems needed to underpin development processes. Donor support to these countries is essential to help partner countries and agencies to develop sustainable statistical capacity and a national commitment to enhance evidence based policy making.

How Norway support statistical capacity building

Norway has a long tradition related to statistical capacity building, dating back to the 1960s. However, in line with the international trend of increasing importance attached to statistics, Norway has over the last decade increased its focus on statistical capacity development.

We aim to assist our partner countries through supporting national statistical development strategies and capacity development programmes. It is increasingly acknowledged that a system wide approach to statistical capacity development, involving both users and producers of statistics, is necessary to ensure development of sustainable statistical systems. Promotion of user-oriented statistical systems lies at the core of Norway's strategy in this field.

Which countries receive support

Norwegian support to development of statistics can be broadly separated into three different strands; direct support to institutional capacity development of national statistical agencies (institutional twinning between Statistics Norway and partner institutions and trust fund mechanisms); promotion of statistical capacity development in programme aid and; participation in international organisations and processes (PARIS 21). 

Published 30.10.2011
Last updated 16.02.2015