Results from the period 2009-2012

Since the launch of the funding scheme for civil society in 2009, the civil society organizations report on several significant results in the process of working within the field of REDD+. 

From 2009 to 2012 Norad has supported 46 projects which have contributed in various ways to the work on REDD+.


Some results are on a local level: small holder farmers have achieved better yields through more sustainable land use and preserving the forest at the same time, and local communities have gained knowledge about REDD+ and secured their land rights.

Other results show how civil society has been important actor in raising awareness against corruption and uncovering illegal logging which have had effects on trade and on the prevention of international crime. 

It will still take several years to achieve the main outcomes in the funding scheme, nevertheless the results achieved so far show that civil society is an important actor of change in the work towards REDD+. Read more about the specific results achieved by the organizations with Norad-funding between 2009 and 2012 by clicking on te links to the right.. 

Results and lessons learned:

Read more about the specific results achieved between 2009 and 2012, reported by organizations with Norad-funding.

Example: Watch the movie "Aid against Environmental Crimes and Deforestation"

The UN and Interpol both reckon that illegal tree felling constitutes as much as 40% of current tropical rainforest deforestation. Deforestation has a severe impact on the climate and, thus, on the world's poor. By contributing to Project Leaf, a project run by Interpol, Norway devotes development resources to the fight against criminality in the rainforest.
Published 21.10.2013
Last updated 16.02.2015